Palacky Hotel room

Caffé bar Piccolo

Hotel parking space

Restaurant – Pizzerie Mozzarella

Meeting room

Menza (cafetería)


recepce, rezervace:
  +420 739 329 933
  +420 541 142 968


Virtuální prohlídka hotelu


The Palacky Hotel Brno can provide cheap accommodation and a rental nearby the city centre. It has good connections the expressway to Vienna (A), Bratislava (SK) and Prague (CZ), world famous exhibition grounds and trade fairs. We have available cheap accommodation in twin rooms. The Palacky Hotel Brno guarantees other services to our guests too.


Palacky Hotel Brno ***
Kolejní 2905/2
612 00 Brno
The Czech Republic

Reservations in office hours (monday–friday 9:00–15:30)

reception, reservation:+420 739 329 933
+420 541 142 968

Reservation after office hours
reception: +420 541 142 968

Owner of Palacky Hotel Brno:
Brno University of Technology, headquarters Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno
Dormitories and Refectories
Kolejní 2905/2
612 00 Brno
The Czech Republic

COMPANY ID: 00216305, VAT REG No: CZ00216305


© KaM VUT, 2025